Selected Readings

Society of The Spectacle - Guy Debord
Pedagogy of the Oppressed - Paolo Friere
On The Aesthetic Dimension - Herbert Marcuse
The Modern Theater is the Epic Theater - Bertolt Brecht
Theater of the Oppressed - Augusto Boal
The Critical Role of Art: Adorno between Utopia and Dystopia - Theodor Adorno
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - Walter Benjamin
Theater of Cruelty - Antonin Artaud
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce (section on theory of aesthetics)
Surrealist Manifesto - Andre Breton
Speculum of the Other Woman - Luce Irigaray
Pornography and Silence - Susan Griffin
Art and Liberation - Herbert Marcuse
S/Z - Roland Barthes